Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Why I voted for, canvassed for, fought with my father for... Obama? I havent' voted for a viable candidate for 2 elections (8 years) because in the last election I was against the war (and could not vote for anyone who helped authorize it) and in the previous election I just didn't feel that Gore represented me. Sure I could have voted against Bush, but I really couldn't. I can only cast my vote for someone I would want as president.

And this year was it! I actually stood in the camp of someone who was a viable candiadate! And who is now our President elect.

Yesterday Lydia and I were discussing the differences in the candidates and she said to me "But aren't we always at war Mom?" Wow...that stopped me in mid thought for a moment. For during her life time, yes the majority of it has been war. Scary.

But the reason I cast my vote for Obama was about his intelligence, his ability to inspire and unite people. I remember caucusing for him last winter (yea Iowa) , when I arrived Obama, Edwards, and Clinton were all pretty even in numbers. But as we sat there, we had to keep scooting over to make room for more Obama supporters, then it became so full we had to sit closer together and then it became standing room only. As I looked around the room I saw that Obama was representing old and young, men and women, as well as people of all different colors. I thought to myself...this is the U.S. This man is representing all of us. If you know me...I cried!

As I listened to his acceptance speech last night, again, I cried. My kids asked why so many people were crying. I can only say why I was so moved. It is because I was so proud to be an American last night, I was proud that in a land slide majority that Americans voted for a black man to represent them, not because he was black but because he is the best human for the job. We have changed as a country...changed for the better. The celebrations going on all over the world are amazing to me! Yes!

For the last 8 years I felt like we lived in a country that was about greed, preemtive strikes, and a right wing god fearing country. A country about hate, and control... it's just been ugly. But last night we the people all voted for a man that stands for just the opposite of all those things. I loved how during his speech he said this win was not about him, it was about us... those that voted for him and the people who didn't vote for him.

I thought McCains acceptance speech was good too. He had to run the worst campaign ever. Looking out over his crowd I noticed how it was mostly white, mostly male, kinda like a Father knows Best type crowd. Definitely not a crowd that represents the U.S. of 2008. I'm glad McCain ran the Republican machine (Palin) campaign... it's why he lost. Had he actually ran a bipartisan campaign (with Liberman on the ticket) it would have been a tougher win for Obama.

Last night when I was doing some last minute canvassing I went up to a house that had a couple living there that my paperwork showed hadn't voted yet. The husband came to the door and told me he just got back. I asked if his wife, Verhinda was there, she was. She didn't think she could vote, that she had voted in the last election but had not registered again. I assured her she was on the list and should go vote. She was soooo happy and her kids were all in the background chanting "Obama, Obama!" That's the reason I canvassed.

I am sad cause it looks like in CA the ban on gay marriage is going to hold. I don't understand that at all. My neighbors marriage (whether they're gay, straight, divorced or whatever) has no affect on my marriage. Why oh why can't everyone be treated equal in this country??

When are the conservatives going to stay out of my life? I could care less who you pray to, or why you pray. Just because gay marriage is legal doesn't mean you have to marry a person of the same're free to marry whomever you want!! Just because I have the freedom to chose what to do with my body doesn't mean you have to have an abortion! Just because you believe life starts at conception doesn't mean everyone else does! Just cause you want to pray in school doesn't mean I want to! School is only 6 or 7 hours a day, aren't the other 17 hours in your day enough to pray? Do you pray at work? Why make our kids pray? There are schools affiliated with churches, if you want your kids to pray all day, send them there!

Get off God being's not. It's personal. But I am glad the Republicans haven't figured that out yet.

I'll get off my rant for today and put the smile back on my face for what the US did last night. A positive change really has come!